Fortnight Ahead - Weeks 3 - 4 (T1)
important dates & events for the upcoming fortnight
Week 3 (Term 1 2025)
Monday 10 February
- 12.45pm Academic Award Ceremony Rehearsal
Tuesday 11 February
- Student Photos - MSP
- Australian Maths Olympiad
- 10.00am ARC Meeting
- 12.00pm CAS Audit
- 3.00pm Year 10 Induction
Wednesday 12 February
- Australian Maths Olympiad
- Year 7 and Year 9 Sport Commences
- 7.45am Parent Year Level Representative Meeting
- 10.30am Middle Years Awards Ceremony
- 12.00pm Senior Years Awards Ceremony
Thursday 13 February
- Year 8 and Open Sport Commences
- Setsubun Festival in the Courtyard
- Chinese Spring Festival in the Courtyard
Friday 14 February
- Valentines Day
- CCAs Commence
- 9.00am Campus Tours
Week 4 (Term 1 2025)
Monday 17 February
- 10.30am Year Level Assemblies
- 12.45pm Battle of the Bands Competition
- 5.00pm Years 7-12 Parent Information Evening
Tuesday 18 February
- Year 11 CAS Interviews
- 10.00am ARC Meeting
- 10.30am NAPLAN Readiness Session Years 7 and 9
- 10.00am Leo's Meeting
- 12.45pm Battle of the Bands Competition
- 3.00pm Year 10 Induction
Wednesday 19 February
- 2.00pm Year 11 and 12 Careers Session
Thursday 20 February
- Year 11 CAS Interviews
- 12.45pm Battle of the Bands Competition
- 4.00pm STEM Scholars
Friday 21 February
- Year 9 Sustainable Futures Toohey Forest Excursion
- 9.00am Campus Tours
- 12.45pm Battle of the Bands Competition

Parents, please ensure your student's Flexischool account reflects their current year level. This helps our refectory staff immensely.